mineral water

mineral water

Friday, December 10, 2010

May Dreams Gardens: You Might Be A Gardening Geek: Texting Edition

May Dreams Gardens: You Might Be A Gardening Geek: Texting Edition: "It seems that everyone is sending text messages and using online chat these days, even gardeners. You might be a gardening geek when it..."

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Early morning in Paris garden ... nice welcome from my flowers!

Roses are from Delbard and David Austin, Hydrangeas are cutting from Normandy garden. The wild strawberries are from The Conservatoire National des Plantes in Fragrance, Medicinal, Aromatic and Industrial ( CNPMAI). CNPMAI aims to manage, enhance and conserve genetic resources of useful plants and participates in the preservation of our natural heritage.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Alice is upset ... didn't dedicated any photo to her yet.
Here we go!
I know you like this one ... promised I think about implementing it in Ver garden.

Vincent Special

Vincent gave me a phone call to tell me he's ben impressed by the leeks ... BTW Vincent, next time, write a comment on the wall ^^^ Whatever it's so nice to receive enthusiastic comments.
What do you think about the Swiss Chard ... interesting, isn't it? Waiting for your call ... ;-)


... may be I should remind you that all these photos are coming from Chelsea Flower Show 2010.
This blog is a B GreeN vision of CFS. First photos and then written comments will follow.

This post is dedicated to Aurelia ;-)

Fritillary from the family Liliaceae.
This one is Snake's head Fritillary ... Fritillaire pintade in french ...
Snake's head or Guinea Fowl ... Tête de serpent ou Pintade ...
Definitively French and English have different views ... !

White, White, White ... ad infinitum

Decided to mix Hosta and Strawsberries ... not to eat ... just for the eyes!